Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nearing the end...

Its the October/Thanksgiving weekend and the end of the season is getting closer...come on global warming!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WANTED : Driver of a Silver 300SEL

This morning, just before 9am I had the pleasure of meeting a woman in a Mercedes 300SEL who seemed to want to put me in the hospital. Northbound on Terry Fox near Eagleson where the road is only one lane each way she decided that the bicycle lane would be better used as a passing lane. After nearly clipping me, she seemed oblivious to what she had done wrong.

I pulled up to her at the next red light and scared her with some aggressive pounding on her window and screaming a few choice words that won't get pass the censors.

So if you happen to see a 40-50 year old woman in a silver Mercedes 300SL, licence plate 087 MZM (or NZM or something similar...the police have informed that the plate number is not valid) with Sept 08 stickers...tell her I say 'HI' and I hope to see her on my way home tonight.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


What a way to start....Big plans for a ride and following up with pics and commentary were replaced with some road rash on my knee and a trip to the shop to get parts....

And all because I was being lazy and didn't want to take apart the bike to jump the battery - instead opting for the more exciting 'bum-start'. Clutch got away from me and I was lifted from the ground by a freshly started bike and deposited a few yards down the road. Luckily the damage was limited to my knee, a cracked rib and a bent shift lever and peg. The paint was saved by my body as the bike came to the ground.

Oh yeah...the best part was that it was my wife's bike. I'm sure she'll start talking to me again soon.

Although I'm back in the saddle and riding to work every day, I have delayed plans for a long weekend ride.